History of the Association
Each university has its own identity. And it's not only science, scientific achievements and traditions education. The face of the university is, first of all, People. People who graduated from this university, work in it and most importantly, those who remember him. Everyone has it the university has its own energy, which consists from the synthesis of energies of tens of thousands of graduates, employees, students and traditions of the university. University successes – these are the successes of its graduates, who are united student years and student friendship.
It has long been the custom that the pupils of an educational institution form a kind of brotherhood of people united belonging to their common alma mater, which gave a ticket to their professional life. Besides huge store of knowledge that gives its university graduates, even more valuable become those relationships that arise between people over the years spent together within the walls university, and often rush through the entire life.
In 2009, the Alumni Association was created Kazakh National Medical University them. S.D. Asfendiyarov. This has become a new page history of the University. It is connected with necessity new positioning of our medical university, its students and graduates. For the first time in the country has created an organization of medical graduates universities KazNMU Alumni Association is a community of people in which every graduate enters after graduating from university.
History of the Association
In 2009, the Association was created graduates Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarova. This has become a new page in history University. It is connected with necessity new positioning of our medical university, its students and graduates. For the first time in the country created organization of medical graduates. Association graduates of KazNMU is a community of people in which every graduate joins after graduation university. 2018 President of the Alumni Association elected Dathaev Ubaidilla Makhambetovich, Vice-Rector for corporate development of KazNMU. For 93 years glorious fate scattered the history of our university around the world more than 100 thousand graduates. This highly qualified specialists working in various fields health, social and educational system, making a worthy contribution to health population our country. Today they bring to our University educate your children and grandchildren.

Purpose of the Association
Main goals of activity Associations:
Solving issues of security, provision and implementation of public social, cultural, scientific, educational benefits and benefits of the members of the Association; organizational support for achieving goals and objectives of the alumni community University and medical professionals;
Consolidation, strengthening and development professional connections and contacts between students, graduates of KazNMU, teachers, employees healthcare;
Promotion of prestige professions of teacher and worker healthcare;
Assisting the University in strategic development;
Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, incl. protection of rights and professional interests of members (participants) Associations, provision assistance in creating and improving their conditions activities, increasing the level qualifications;
Satisfaction of creative and other social, educational, scientific citizens' needs;
Health and environmental protection;
Expansion and strengthening of international cooperation in the fields of education, health, culture, science;
Joining forces, intellectual, creative and business potential of members (participants) Associations for decision socio-economic problems in healthcare, education, Sciences;
Promoting the development of effective forms and technologies for organizing the educational process in healthcare; preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values of society.
Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, incl. protection of rights and professional interests of members (participants) Associations, provision assistance in creating and improving their conditions activities, increasing the level qualifications;
Mission of the Association
Rally around the University like-minded people - people who care university ideals and traditions for which the University will forever remain a symbol professionalism, morality and education, who wants and can promote full and comprehensive development of the University, support for distinguished university workers of science and education, and also gifted students and young specialists.
The highest governing body is the Conference;
Executive body - Board represented by President;
Control body - Audit commission.